Wednesday, October 8, 2008

glad to be back home.

thank god i worked off this morning....I swear yesterday was just my day for weird calls.... and the one from pd was the worst I am still confused as to why they called....was it mva? was is pshyc? was it drug overdose? who knows they wouldn't devoulge any information to my questions other than the dude was in custody.... hmmm ok??? why did you call me? blank stare...well? waiting? he clearly isn't hurt.... his mental status at the time is competant ......what do you want me to do with him if he is in custody i checked him out for you .he checks out you want me to take him to the hospital.....I mean this is my first "in custody" person call i have had to handle how the hell does this work.........dude has rights but um now they belong to the pd....."so daddy do you want the kid to go to the hospital?" ........i get blank stares from like 5 of the pd....... I finally tell him look you either want me to take him to the hospital or you can take him your self...I so extremly confused. I feel like i have an altered mental status just from all the stupid blank stares i am getting from pd... the dude is sitting on the ground leaning against a fence and suddenly he just sorta leans over to the ground..and staggers him self back up .......I am like a little slurred speach ..oh fucking great then pd hands me a plastic bag half full of pill bottles.........well i guess i found my answer as i go through the bag of hydrocodone, musle relaxers, xanax bars.....I look at my partner.....and we snatch him up .....I look at pd...... ok if he in your custody......and you are keeping him in cuff's are you taking him or are you going to have an officer ride with us.....cause i am leaving with him now!!!! pd. what you want the cuffs off... I am thinking little illrelevant at this point i really don't think he is a flight risk he is definatly not a threat to me all i got to do is blow on him and he will fall over if that don't work hmm clip board {joking....sorta...well if you have ever had your ass beat by the pt in the back of the truck you come prepared for the next time.}.....OK for the last time as my partner and i are walking the guy to the truck are you taking him or are you riding either way he goes and goes now. so he takes the cuffs off .........then its a tug of war over the bag of pills.............I am like wtf is this?!?!?.
me." hey man i need these."
blank exspressionless pd..."thats my evidence."
me" I have to take these with me to know what he took exactly."
stupid pd."that's my evidence."
still we are tugging on the bag as my free hand straps the drugged out man to my stretcher.
me. " I have to have these to give to the DR.!!! and I AM TAKING THEM WITH ME. " by this time my free hand is motioning sign language sarcasticly at the dumbass officer!
"we need to know" as i slowly talk to him and my hand moving still as if he is a retard.
"exactly what is in the bag that he took. and how many if he took what was in the bag. we are right here at the hospital. won't take me 5 min if that to get there see turn and look its right there see it......I have to take this with know what stop wasting this person's time I have already wasted enough talking to you."
The other officers laughing off to the side as they watch......jesus christ.....then he is going to hand me a stack of papers that was in the bag take these.......ok fine its from the pharmacy it should work i look at them real fast that is some of what was in the bag .........I look at him ...I got to go and slam my truck door in his face as i grab the phone to call the hospital......thank god dr.mad answers the phone I love him he is the i am trying to give my confusing report. he stops me...wait huh? i am confused how did we go from mvc to pshyc to drug overdose... I cut him off ya know what doc.....that makes two of use i had a tug of war trying to get the meds but i just had to leave them behind and come in......where are you now.......looking at you ......oh your here .........uhhuh.......pd right behind the way in the er.....doc gets pissed at pd....nurses pissed at pd......{thank god for once its not me their pissed at *cackle*}
they take the guy to catscan and when they get back he is lethargic .....doc wants the meds and i have to go to the stupid cop and tell him hand them over doc wants them.........
cop " am i gonna get these back if not you can't have them."
me" you tell doc he can't have them i am tell doc that is your evidence and see what happens to you. go ahead go tell him."
as he mumbles under his breath handing me the bag.
i just give him a smerky grin of thanks alot asshole. then doc and i go through the meds counting looking at dates of when there filled ..........dude is lucky at the estimated amount of xanax bars he took that he is still breathing....I happy that the call is over with.........never in my life had i had such a confusing call as that one i am still boggled thinking about it of course i left out alot but you got the readers digest version......of all the times usually a medic truck would jump the mvc's but not this time and i was so hoping they would for some reason i just had a nagging feeling all the way to the i know why lol.....


EXSENO said...

So was he trying to kill his self or what?? Seems like it.

Life Of An Emt said...

no sadly someone who is hooked on pain medications from the injuries he suffered from a fall years prior to the mvc.