Sunday, October 5, 2008

night out.

hmm that is something I haven't done in a very long time..........years.....most of the time . I get off of work bury up in the house and wait to go back to work....I play online games. Second life is usually what i spend my time doing when i am home....but this weekend was different. I let a co-worker talk me into going out. we called another co-worker and we went to Rooster's a new bar in delhi louisianna. out in the middle of no where this place is ...........not a bad a place its open and i do mean open its structured after a barn and not a huge barn either but it was different and the set up was very nice........I had fun . I didn't dance which was odd for me well i take that back i slow danced once....but still i am usually up on the dance floor shakin it lol but still it was nice and i had fun the crowd was a mixed crowd from ages and races so that was new mostly young people and i think i got hit by a group of very young looking "boys" all i could do was look at them and walk off thinking my god none of you look much older than my son which is almost 17.....damn i feel old lol... Not to mention I am not interested in finding anyone at a club if i have fun with someone there then that is fine. and i certainly don't want any what i would call kids looking my way even though i know they are of age or else they couldn't get in but still I was flattered at the thought........but also they are drunk and probably looking for a lay which I am not and i am certainly not the older woman that is gonna teach a younger man something god now i know why i really stopped going to clubs long ago. once in a while on occasion is fine but to make it a pass time I don't think so beside that place is way out in the boonies......I think by the time i made it back home it was 5 in the morning and we left at 1:45 a.m needless to say I was very sober so no drinking and driving for me or any of my friends. this is something we stress to everyone if you go out have someone to drive you that is sober or call someone to come get you. life is to precious to throw it away by getting behind the wheel drunk and taking off on the highway. and in my line of work I get to see first hand what that does to all in all last night was fun not something i plan on doing every weekend I am off but I would do it again........


EXSENO said...

Good for you, everyone needs some down time. Glad it was fun.

Life Of An Emt said...

it was but not something i want to do often,..once in a while yes but clubs and bars are not my thing any more i sowed my wild oats long ago ..not that i am saying its time to be put out to pasture lol