Saturday, October 11, 2008

Since when did the race for our president turn into racisam?

While checking my blog for any comments that might of been made. I was actually shocked to find one. after reading and commenting back I thought I would go and have a look at this person's site. I read his post which by the way if you get a chance to look at it I do suggest checking him out.The T-Dude. back to my post.......
I read what the others had wrote before posting my granted this is on a post of the candidates and a theory of how the out come could go....a very nice post if i may add... so this is a political post....
I expected to find comments pertaining to the political race of course but what I did not expect to find was how one person who does not have a blog choose to write as a comment on this site... shocked and discusted is what I am over seeing the comments made..... I am only going to show you this person's comments and will not show the others due to I did not ask them if I could use their comments but will tell you this he was told off rightously.

McCain Palin 2008 said...
Obama has one significant problem: there is no affirmative action in the electoral college.America is racist enough to not elect him.Thank God for that.
October 10, 2008 7:16 Pm

McCain Palin 2008 said...
Don't worry- there won't be an end on November 4th. Obama will scream racism when he loses. People who say they will vote for him in the various polls will actually vote Republican in the poll booth in privacy. Sick and twisted? Maybe. But Americans (myself included- though I'm VERY Republican- cannot get beyond the "Government owes me something because I'm black". Blacks sold blacks into slavery. And yet they're still dumb enough to not understand that. Social entitlement programs need to stop and they will with a McCain Palin Administration.
October 11, 2008 11:22 AM

Now maybe I am way out of line for posting about this person's comments and maybe I am not I am simply wanting everyone to know and see first hand for them selfs of the ignorance and racisam in this world I don't know where this person is from and really do not care. I am a single white female living in the south not saying that is a bad thing either and I am not by any means saying I should be used to seeing this kind of thing or thinking that it exsist only in the south and I am not be any means condoneing this kind of ignorant thinking... But I had hoped to see that things might of changed for the better and that people can see people for who they are not the color of their skin.... and since when did the race for our presidency turn into just that? I for one yes I am and will vote for Obama after months of not being sure I have made my decision I finaly got to watch and see both of them mccain and obama......binden and palin......their wives erm wife which I have seen obama's wife. I like this lady and what is the saying behind every good man is a good woman......or in this case behind every good president is his wife.....

I have also never seen so much mudslinging in a race. before in my life but then again my voting started with clinton to give you an example of my age and life with presidents even though i remember carter and encouraged both my parents to vote reagan whom i loved dearly and he yes was a republican which I am not which goes to show you that I believe in voting for whom I think is the best person to run our country....

I also believe that if you are not a registered voter then you do not have any right to bitch about the president and what goes on because yes your vote can and does make a difference I believe this. Its the one thing I still hold on to being a democracy every voice counts...

I am sorry again if I have over stepped in posting this about the comments but very upset to see this and felt I had to atleast if not for any other reason than to get it off my chest. and the rest of it well is just my opinion which I am entitled to still have last I looked.


GibsonTwins said...

Please spell "racism" correctly if you're going to bitch about it.

I love how you posted my comments btw.

The truth of the matter is, the young people who "are all fired up for Obama" are not going to vote. Never have and 2008 will be no exception. Old people will vote- thats a proven fact. They will tend to vote Republican, and the ones who normally have voted Democrat in past elections will vote Republican in the privacy of the voting booth.

The exit polls will be for Obama, you'll see that. No one will say "I'm racist and don't want a black president". But their actions will say that.

Then there are the mothers (myslef included) that think of how scary our country could be with an Obama in charge. No thanks.

Entitlement programs are killing our budget. People that live payday to payday- well thats how they've decided to live (you ultimately make that choice by either going (or not going) to college, choosing your career path, how many kids you have, how comfy your life is, the habits you have, etc. I personally do not even KNOW when "payday" is. And I think that says a whole hell of a lot about our choices in life. No one should feel that the government owes them something- they do not.

EXSENO said...

Hehehe, Your commenter sure is a pep. I've never viewed someone correcting someone Else's spelling on a blog before.

Most of us just ignore a foe-pea and go on.
Oh yes and please forgive me, if I spelled 'pep' wrong, I've never had the privilege of going to college and I barely made it through high school but my parents did teach me manners, for which I am very grateful.

October 13, 2008 9:48 AM

Life Of An Emt said...

well forgive me for making a error in my spelling since I was at work and in a rush to make a post before another 911 call came in so I really didn't have time to go back and edit or correct any mistakes but who cares I don't and a little late to go back and change it now so fuck it. I am sure it won't be the first misspelled word I will make nor the last all I can say is oppps my bad.

Glad to see you own up to your comment since it was posted under mccain palin 2008...

I don't know if the younger voters will turn out to vote all I can do is hope they will. yes the older ones are dedicated voters god love'em and I am sure there will also be many who will say they are going to vote republican but behind the scene's of the curtain will vote democrat just as well as those who say they will vote democrat in the privacy of the booth will turn republican. who knows who cares its ultimately their choice.

hmm yes lets look at the mothers (myself included) I look at mccain and see bush with a higher IQ but none the less its a "mini bush" so to speak. all I see is another bush administration which scared the hell out of me with his first election and terrified me with the second term so now I am just in a phobic fit with mccain umm no thank you.

entitlement programs are killing our budget. entitlement programs have been around my whole lifetime and I really haven't seen any impact they have done in my life. but let me tell you what has....

The bogus war on iraq has killed our budget, driven oil prices up which in turn has caused a chain reaction for every thing else to sky rocket in prices. the housing market driven down and our economy {hmm is that word spelled right webster?} well our economy is now in the toilet flowing fast through the pipes to the shit pond.

And who are you any way? what money tree did you fall out of? please let me know so that I might can climb it to and fall to the ground not knowing when "payday" is. just let me go to my financial adviser and see if he will allow me to spend some money on botox for my ass.
I live payday to payday some weeks is tougher than others but I manage just fine with out entitlement programs as you like to call it .. I call it well fare most people do call it that we are not ashamed of it. and yes I have had to be on well fare several times in my short adult life to make sure my kid had food, shelter and clothes on his back. Did I think this was owed to me? hell no I was greatful that there is a program to help people out when they need it. did it crash our economy? that is ridiculous to even think that.
no I don't choose to live payday to payday and I certainly didn't have a choice as to if I went to college or not. but I do now and so does my son who by the way is making it his lifes goal to be president of the united states one day. And I'll do what ever I have to do to make sure his political career takes off and in the "right direction" well away from the people that don't know what "payday" is or what hardships of life are. or the bigots of the world oh did I mention he is half hispanic so he is a little dark too and beautiful with a great mind that would put most people to shame....

sorry If I hvae misspelled wrods some things not capitolised or punctuations in the right places but I never said I was a great writer nor a political correct one either.

Yes I agree a pep she is but entitled to her own opinion as we all are even if we don't agree. but manners is not an opinion. its a value our parents teach us when we are young and we in turn teach our children. I thank my parents for teaching me well behaved manners and for smacking me across my mouth when I was being disrespectful.

The T-Dude said...

Wow...I don't know what to say. First, thanks for the kind comments about my post, they are much appreciated.

Second, you go girlfriend! The race is too important to let these types of things go unanswered. Well said and well done.

Finally, not that it would come up again, but you always have my permission to post whatever I have posted on my blog. It is out there for public consumption. And as far as I'm concerned, I feel that way about any comments that have been posted on my blog. They chose to comment publicly, they chose to participate in the marketplace of ideas, and therefore, those comments are open to dissemination and discussion.