Thursday, October 9, 2008

update on guessing game of what did pd call me for

The confusing call I had. the one where clearly it wasn't for a mvc really not sure what they wanted me to do with the person that i just took from them and made them unhand cuff . Turns out he was released approx. an hour after i dropped him off to sleep off the effects of his drugs...he was cleared from all injuries. {which we knew he would be} just wasn't sure of the other if he was a psych pt or if it was drugs { I was banking on drugs} but I am not a rolling x-ray machine nor do I have x-ray vision. and I certainly do not have a lab in the back of my unit to be able to tell that either. But guy was fine. And I am sure back in custody the next day...and I am hopeful that pd has there evidence that they couldn't understand why we needed it.... I am just relieved guy was fine.... I don't want to over re-act but I dont' want to under re-act either. I have seen first hand ppl be fine then in 10 min they are circling the drain.... I just want to do what I am trained for and help people for the better not for the worst.. and I think with what i see with some of the people we have working with us and around us I second guess myself alot. for fear of being like them I know that I am not but still. I dont' have someone else I can look to when I am on a call to say ok this is what we need to do this is what is best for the pt. its on me I have to decide then and there and fast when where and what to do......I think nurse ratchet raddles me more than what i thought.....I have never had someone nit pick the trivial things so much as she does. Has she spark an insecurity within my self? I think she has but mainly those insecurities have been will I make a good competant medic can I handle all that is put on a medic am I ready to be a medic.....most of the time when I ask my self those questions...I would say yes I am ready to be a medic. Yes I can handle the responsibilities that are put on a medic hell I am handling them now being on a basic truck. Will I be a competent medic I hope so I am a competent basic. I dont' want to be one of those that people ask how did they pass the exam like so many are around here. I know who I can go to and ask and feel safe I am getting the correct advice if i have a situation come up I have never come across before. and they all tell me they couldn't of done anything more or different than what i have already done which makes me feel good to know this..... I am just scared and I know this but how do you over come certain fears? or should I say insecurities?


EXSENO said...

Nobody's perfect so I guess you just gotta do what you've gotta do and hope for the best.

Life Of An Emt said...

pretty much we do that. I just don't want to make an ooopps when i got someone's life dangling in the palm of my hands.