Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who will it be?

Will it be Mccain or will it be Obama? All I can do is wait and see but in my eyes its looking like obama. {gets down on knees and prays} When I am asked ""Who are you going to vote for?"" normally I would look at them and say well you know I am not sure or that is a little personal to be asking someone that and I don't discuss politics with most people but now when I am asked I hold my head up high and I proudly exclaim Obama... I am voting Obama and I hope you do to.


The T-Dude said...

As I look at the electoral map, it is looking better for Obama, but still not a slam dunk. Virginia sliding to the Dem's would be a huge deal, but to put this one in the bank, I'd really like to see Ohio or Florida go blue.

EXSENO said...

Me too. Obama gets my vote. I had my mind mad up to vote for him anyway. But Colin Powell really clinched it for me. I think the world of him. If he ran for president I wouldn't hesitate to vote for him. But he's to smart to want that headache.

Hannah said...

Ugh. Let's just say that anyone who agrees with Obama agrees with death and taxes.