Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stupid mother.

Yes my title is stupid mother maybe it should be the ignorant should not reproduce.
we got a little busy one night and the phone ringing off the hook so I run to answer one of the lines for dispatch because she is having to walk a caller through cpr on the phone until one of our crews can get there.

me. "med-life ambulance is this an emergency?"
caller." yes"
me. "ok ma'am what is going on tonight and what is your address?."
caller." my address is 129 i am a dumbass street. off the gallion subdivision in Mer rouge."
me. " Ok ma'am can you tell me what is going on that you need an ambulance tonight?"
Caller." my baby is sick she been runnin fever all day and she has seizures and they told me last time when she gets a fever to bring her in."
me." ok so your child is having febrile sezures? is she having one now and when was the last time she had one."
caller." no ma'am she isn't having a seizure and she hasn't had one today they just told me when she runs a fever you know the people at St.Francis downtown they told me when she runs a fever to bring her in. and its been 101.3 today."
me." ok ma'am so right now she is only running a fever and she has not had a seizure at all and is not seizing now correct?"
caller."yes ma'am"
me." ok hon i'll be seeing you in just a few min i am on my way now."
hang up the phone tell dispatch this is a call for me no need to alarm the medic truck up for call its just a sick child running fever with a past history of febrile seizures but the child is not having one and hasn't had one today parent just a little concerned because of past history.
I get there or I get to the street address she gives me and turns out it is on the street behind us grrr i hate it when they give me the wrong information. this place is several miles away from the hospital two towns over in a small run down cracked out back community we really don't like going into because of past experiences in the area.
I see the momma coming to us with the child in her arms I jump out of the truck. open up the back doors and she climbs in with the child.
me." hon i am so sorry this is not the address i was given on the phone."
momma." I know but this is where i was at when i called."

smacks forehead durrrrr.

me."ok not a problem just please if you ever have to call us again please give us the address the person you are calling for is going to be at."
momma." yes. ma'am"
me." on the phone you told me she has been running a fever when was the last time you took her temp? she feels warm like she has a fever to me but i don't have a thermometer on the truck."
momma." i took it just before you pulled up it was 101.3 still. and they told me at the hospital when i took her to bring her in when she gets a temp cause she has seizures last time it was 105.1 and she had the seizure."
me." omg when they tell you that yesterday? today?."
momma." no ma'am last February when she had her seizure."
me." wait ..hmm ok she had a fever of 105 last year and had a seizure then but hasn't had one since?"
momma." yes ma'am.but they said when she has a fever to bring her in."
me." ok hon no problem usually if the fever is that high the they run a risk of having a seizure but i think if you took her temp just a few min ago and it was 101.3 we are safe but lets go ahead and get her up to the hospital."
kellie " what do you want me to do Tracie?"
me." lets go ahead and go that way the child is a little limp from being sick i don't think we need to do anything I believe we are fine."
me." how long has she been running a fever ma'am."
momma." since yesterday it was 104."
me." oh my when was the last time you gave her something for the fever to bring it down?"
momma." i haven't."
me." you haven't given her anything for her fever and she has had it for 24 hrs now and it was up to 104?"
momma." yes ma'am i didn't know what to give her since she is on her seizure medicine i haven't even given her that."
me." she is on medicine for seizures but you told me she only had the one and it was from the fever why is she on the seizure meds. and hon you should give her Tylenol and alternate it every 4 hrs with Motrin when they run a fever and if the fever is that high you can alternate them every 2 hrs. if she has a history of seizures with fevers you need to try to break the fever before it gets to the danger zone. Please in the future do not with hold the childs medication or withhold medicine that can break her fever its important for the child that you do this."
momma." yes ma'am i just didn't know what to do."
me ." is this your first child?"
momma." no ma'am my third well i am 8 mo with my third."
me." ohhh ok well just remember in the future when any of your children get sick like this to start them on tylenol and alternate with motrin. if that don't work on the fever and break it then lets look into getting them to the dr. especially this little one since she has the history of seizure."

I call my report into the er. no big deal child is fine we are fine.

we are 2 blocks from the hospital less than 3 min no traffic on the road its clear i can see the er. I am writing my report.
momma" see this is what she has been doing."

I look up to witness the toddler going into a seizure.
me." kellie speed up i don't care about the bumps in the road take them baby is seizing."
last time i tell my newbie partner that as she hits the gas peddle and i slide across the bench seat. i have to giggle at her slight adrenaline rush lol.
I grab the child from the mother as she is holding her on her back and turn her over trying to reach the suction as we hit the dip in the parking log going under the bay of the hospital loosing my balance crap we are her now i jump up snatch the back door open jump out of the truck taking off in a run not giving the er clerk time to open the electric doors as i ram my fingers in the crack pulling them apart. as the dr and the nurses look at me rushing in with a stiff child in my arms eyes rolled back in her head and slobber streaming down my entire right side {blah yucky! }

I turn to Libbie and look at page
me." we turn the corner and the kid started seizing on me and you guys know I am a basic truck I don't have an I.v. no Valium pushed its less than 3 min into the seizure and she hasn't stopped."
Page." trauma 1 Tracie."
me." momma said she took her temp right before we got there and it was 101.3 i felt her skin she felt fever hot but I can't take a temp we don't have a thermometer on the truck so i have no idea what it really is but her little body did not feel as hot as it is right now she is burning up."

about that time I see her nurse effing ratchet Marie the bitch from hell.

Bitch." what we got." peering at me over her glasses
me." whats it look like. seems self explanatory to me."

ok so maybe i didn't have to be a smart ass to her but I am not taking any crap from that woman anymore!! no more of her rudeness no more of her belittling because i am only a basic emt. No more!

I look at page she is wide eyed and Libbie walks out of the room. Page cracks a smile as marie walks to the nurses station not saying another word to me or in my presence. omg i have won woohoo. lol. until next battle *sighs*

all in all momma doesn't know how to properly take care of her child when she runs a fever not giving her anything to help reduce the fever allowing the fever to spike up to what i call danger zones. baby is fine and fever /seizure free for now until next time.


EXSENO said...

Ah, that is awful. It wouldn't surprise me if the poor little baby did have a seizure at the house and she was too dumb to notice. OMG, and she has another one on the way.

She needs to be neutered and someone else needs to have that baby before it's too late to be helped.

Shannon said...

Good thing for that baby you were there! Amazing the lack of common sense people have! Hubby had a 2am call the other night because a diabetic over-insulated then refused to eat some fruit even though his whole family knew he needed it- ended up unconscious...

Life Of An Emt said...

momma has 1 other child other than the toddle and one on the way so I am sure in 2 more months when her due date comes around we will be called to deliver lol... but yes the child had been seizing all day and momma didn't know what it was only when the child did it in my presence did the mother find out it was a seizure.

I was shocked when the child started seizing but considering how the momma was in giving information and seeing the poor thing really didn't know what she was talking about should of alarmed me when she said she was acting funny sometimes but I didn't think anything of i am just glad we were close to the hospital my driver is new and that would of been an interesting ride lol...
diabetic calls are always fun =) and if you ever get to see one if they have hypoglycemia {low blood sugar} it is awe some to get to see them start an I.V and push d-50 because it works almost instantly and they start waking up immediately little groggy but its like watching something out of the movies. Have to be careful to because sometimes the people are violent when coming out of it. not meaning to be then they will calm down.